Press Release

DEKRA Invited to Give a Speech on 5G & IoV Testing Solutions in Cloud Computing & IoT Association in Taiwan

Jul 20, 2020
On July 7th afternoon, in the meeting room of Cloud Computing & IoT Association in Taiwan, there were around 50 senior managers and top executives participating in “C-V2X Technology and Application Development Trend Sharing and Exchange Seminar”. Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center, ITRI, Chunghwa Telecom, Information and Communications Research Laboratories, ITRI, and DEKRA were all invited to give speeches.
“We hope this seminar won’t be merely one-way lessons, but full of interactions and exchanges, also to explore the problem of industry.” said Jethro Chen, the Director General of Cloud Computing & IoT Association in Taiwan. Richard Hsieh from Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center, ITRI, started the seminar with the speech of “IoV International Market Trend and its Main Applications”.
Later Tzu-Hsiang Su from Information and Communications Research Laboratories gave a talk about C-V2X technology development trend and market business opportunities. Hong-Yi Wang from Chunghwa Telecom shared 5G and C-V2X Application Case Study and Future Development. In the end, the grand finale ”5G & IoV Testing Solutions You Must Know” was brought by Bruce Shiau of DEKRA. Bruce elaborated on the IoV communication technology, connected driving technology, and the testing and certification requirements of DSRC, C-V2X and eCall.
DEKRA provides the testing of two major V2X communication technologies DSRC and C-V2X exclusively in Taiwan, and also launches the testing of eCall emergency calling service, as its only one TIC supplier in Taiwan. It’s the third-party testing and certification organization that offers most comprehensive IoV testing in Taiwan.